Note to self: Day 1 planting a new fragrance The Happy Flower
I have mentioned before that the Maya like to make things happy. They respect nature. Previously, I've written that I was going to through out some old tortillas and one of my helpers pulled them out of the trash and asked if he could tear them into pieces for the birds. I said "of course". And then he told me that the tortillas would make the birds happy, and when the birds are happy they sing, and when the sing, the trees are happy and the land is happy, and when the land is happy it is a happy place to work.
What a lesson.
So I'm planting 5 hanging baskets this morning, Monday July 17, 2023, of Albahaca seeds. I'm putting about 10 seeds per basket and the package says they should come up in 21 days. We'll see.
What a lesson.
So I'm planting 5 hanging baskets this morning, Monday July 17, 2023, of Albahaca seeds. I'm putting about 10 seeds per basket and the package says they should come up in 21 days. We'll see.
I've planted these before because I wanted to have my house surrounded by a pleasant fragrance. And I learned a lesson. When they came up, I separated them, and planted each separate plant in a flower bed. I goofed. Separated they died in a week. This time, I'll leave them in the baskets as a group.
I will come back and update this entry when they come up to maybe 10 cm tall.
Video coming soon
Video coming soon
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