Fresh pork ribs from the pueblo in Yucatan Mexico


The Maya eat almost everything fresh.  They think frozen food tastes funny.  And many Maya families don't have a refrigerator anyway.
All of the meat is cut fresh and beef and pork and chicken are readily available from one of three different vendors in the Pueblo 7 days a week.  They take a different day to slaughter so they don't compete with each other.  Beef is 130 pesos per kg.  Pork is 120 pesos per kg. and Chicken is about 100-110.
However, most Maya families keep a pig or two in the back yard and multiple chickens for their own family consumption.  Salvador, my superintendent was slaughtering his pig Saturday night and on Monday morning brought me a kg of fresh pork ribs.   My price:  100 pesos!  About $5.20 USD or $2.52 USD per pound.   They were delicious and I guess would cost four times as much in the states?


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