Harvest time now for honey in the Yucatan


My neighbor on the next ranch has 10 beehives and is always offering to share some with me.  Of course, I cheerfully accept, and still try to buy a liter or two from him.

Mid-April begins the heaviest honey harvesting time.  Starting April 15, he, more or less, collects 90 liters of honey every 15 days.   So he got his first harvest April 15, then 90 liters May 1, and today 90 more.  He has told me that he'll get 90 more the end of May and then one more harvest the middle of June.   Then the collection stops until November and December.  Then nothing in January and some in February and nothing in March.  Then the process repeats itself next April.

Click here for video of harvesting honey today in the Mayan tradition

He has told me that I have enough land that I could put in 40 hives in 4 different locations of 10 hives each.   I have decided though to put in Melipona bees, which are stingless and unique to the Yucatan.  They only make about 1/5th honey that he makes, but it sells for almost 12 times as much money.  Right now, my plans are to put my Melipona hives in here in July and have some women from the pueblo tend them for me in exchange for sharing the honey with them.

If you're interested in knowing more about the Maya tradition of raising Melipona bees, here is a very interesting video:



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