Final harvest of my 1st Corn crop in Yucatan Mexico


Today we harvested the last of the ears and stalks from my first corn crop I've grown here on my Ranch.  As I have mentioned before, the Maya will plant their corn on June 1 to coincide with the beginning of the rainy season.  However, I have water and irrigation pumps, so we can grow 2 crops per year.

click here for video

This corn was planted on January 15, and came up 6 days later.  We began collecting ears of corn about 10 days ago, and the last ears were ready today.

In the video you see the men cutting down the stalks after picking the ears.  We will take the stalks to Chumayel and selling to a cattle rancher who will grind them into feed and we'll sell the ears at market.

When all is said and done, I don't think that I made a dime profit growing this early corn.  I didn't lose money, and I managed to give my guys work to do and the crop paid for their labor.  That's just fine with me.  

We'll plant again in a couple of weeks, and that corn will grow itself from the rain without us having to spend the time moving sprinkler towers to keep it watered.


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