My tree top jungle cat and a view of the pueblo palazzio

 I've told you before about my cat, Patricio, who literally just walked into the work area one day and came out of the jungle.   Well apparently, he's decided he likes staying around, because not only does he come to the house now every day about 11 to be fed, but we also found that he's sleeping high up in a tree not far from my house.  It's hard to tell how high this is, but I can tell you that's he's up in the tree about 8 meters.   I've not seen him come down, but have seen him go up, and he makes the climb in about 5 seconds.

I was waiting in the town palazzio today waiting for some folks to lead them out to the ranch.  I thought you might like a little video to see what the "centro square" looks like in the pueblo.  Pretty slow moving. 


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