Flying your car in Mexico!

 Topes and Flying over them.  

After making the post last night showing the bull to be slaughtered last night, I was looking again at the photo and thought I'd point out something to anyone in the USA or Canada or anywhere that might be considering a trip or move to Yucatan.

The roads here have what I called in the US speed bumps.  They are everywhere.  In the biggest cities, and on many busy roads.  In a few cases you could even see them on a freeway.  Some are wider than others, but most look just like this.  The pueblos have many more per km of road that the large cities.  The message is clear:  slow down.

Often times the "topes", as they are called here, will be painted in yellow.  Most of the time, the yellow has worn off, like this one shown here.   Also, most of the time (but not all of the time) there will be a sign to the right of it warning you that there is a tope.   

I've learned in Yucatan you have to watch the road and the sidewalk all of the time.  You must pay attention.  Because you might be driving along at 40 KPH and not see the warning sign and if you hit this you will momentarily go airborne and then just as suddenly the front of the car or truck will smash down on the front and slam you into the steering wheel.

I've also learned that when foreigners come to Yucatan, you can tell them about Topes over and over and it really is an experience that appears to really be much better learned in person behind the wheel.  It will happen a couple of times unexpectedly, and perhaps break your nose on the steering wheel once slamming down, or splatter your hot coffee all over your lap, or completely unload all your groceries bags onto the floor of your car, and then you'll think back to this post and say "you know?  He warned me about these?"   ja ja ja

By the way, one of the greatest lessons the topes have also taught me, is about life in general.  Slow down.  Life is better in the slow lane.


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