Note to self 4.30.23 Fruit falling and pool empty

I have a large tree by my pool. It makes a tiny fruit, that the Maya (and myself) like. It's not very fruity, because it's so tiny. But it has a soft shell on the outside that peels away easily, and then you pop it in your mouth, and suck the fruit off, and spit out the pit. The Maya enjoy them more like a piece of candy than a piece of fruit. In Maya it is called Huayum and I'm not sure what it is in Spanish. I noticed about the first of March, I started getting tiny pieces in my pool that I'd have to clean out every couple of days. 5 or 6 or 7 pieces. The birds like them and would fly into the tree, peck a little at them, and knock them off the tree into the pool. Day by day, the quantity increased, I suppose as the fruit was getting mature and ripe. Besides knocking them into the pool, they knocked many more to the ground. About 2 weeks ago, April 15th, there started to be forty or fifty pieces a day...