Yucatan Mexico Farm and Ranch Predator 2 - The Leaf Cutter ants
Yucatan Mexico Farm and Ranch Predator 2 - The Leaf Cutter ants A few weeks ago, I posted about my attempt to rid my property of iguanas. While I would wish them all the best, I'd wish that for them anywhere else except here. They are vegetable destroyers. My other great nemesis is the Leaf Cutter ant and more particularly their queens. I have discovered, like the iguana, that it's a battle that I cannot win and eliminate them, because they just keep coming back. But after they completely stripped 4 out of 7 of my gardenia shrubs a while back, I made it my mission to at least try to destroy them at the same rate the queens can build new colonies. It is a continuous battle, and so far, I've been able to hold them back. As this video says, here in Yucatan, there are 2 kinds of people. Those who have had leaf cutter ants attack their shrubs, trees, or plants, and those who will be attacked in the future by these dwarf-monsters-from-hell. ...