A natural way to keep ants away from my fruit trees.

Since the day after we planted 120 fruit trees, it has been a battle against the ants. I guess they can smell them from a mile away and why they have to come for the fruit trees, when I have about a million other trees around me, is baffling to me. But they invade every night if I stop looking. I was putting out some poison for them when I'd see them in a line going up or down a tree. But I prefered to find some natural predator. Today my Mayan foreman taught me the "Mayan Way". You take some hard, like a hammer or a big rock and you take small limestone rocks and beat them into a dust, and then mix with water and coat the base of the trees. It's not poisonous to the tree or harmful in any way. But the ants will not cross over it. FYI: The small rocks over the base of the tree are to let the water in, but keep the sun from evaporating the moisture in the heat. It also lets the root and base of the tree breath freely.